Monday, January 15, 2018

State Of The Union

   I'm just disgusted with all of it. This country is in the toilet no matter who is in charge. To think that one party is better than another is wishful dreaming. We have a better chance of a leprechaun showing up at our door with a pot of gold before either a Democrat or Republican political office holder Ever does what's right for us.  This is corrupt going back before the Civil War!  Also another reason they try to change history by deleting its memorials.  None of those southern boys in uniform wanted to fight. It was the rich behind all of that. Idiots to the last in Both parties!  We are ALL on our OWN!  Yeah they just don't want you to realize it. So be afraid. Very afraid of who you support. Because NONE of them care about You, your Rights, Or your Family!  So remember that the next time you find yourself wanting to argue with friends or family about all this.  Thats what they want.  Wake Up!  It's up to US to help the US!