Monday, March 26, 2012

Dogs aren't just for petting anymo
re! If you follow me already, its no secret that I have and love six dogs. I also mentioned last post that I have the neurological disease RSDS or for those using the newer name CRPS. I couldn't keep going without my dogs helping me to live with this painful disease. We're seeing more and more service dogs and therapy dogs today. They are real heroes that do what they do for the love of their human counterpart. Assistance dogs are becoming more prevalent now that we have so many war veteran's in need of their love and service. So lets give a shout out to these hard working canine Savior's, and lets remember to respect the no touch rule. Don't forget that a dog that is working should not be touched or distracted. :) ................. If you don't already, you can follow me on Twitter @gen22y


  1. Hi Gene,

    I'm not sure if I shared this with you but I used to be a 4H leader for Dog Obedience. Loved the new blog entry! I have to tell my kids all the time when we are out.....Don't touch or distract the service dogs no matter how cute they are! I love my animals and they put smiles on my face every day!

  2. That's great! Trinity used to go everywhere with me untill two jerks in their 20's teased her when I was leaving the doctors office. Trinity had never had an aggressive bone in her 100lb body till that incident. She took this all in as a threat to me and proceeded to take them both down by the throat. Unfortunately this was the end of her service. She now is terrified that everyone is trying to get us. Had I known that she would never be the same I would have demanded identification for restitution for her being put into pet status. After tons of training and cost I nolonger have her as a service dog away from home. She was clearly identified as a working no pet service animal but, they and many others never cared. The unwanted petting was nothing compared to the teasing incident. ;( Shes a great family member though! Always angel to us and all guests. I now have baby Bella to travel with me which helps. 8)

    1. That is such a sad story. You just don't realize how one incident can tramatize an animal forever. Just getting the service dog title is a major accomplishment. So sad that her title is now gone. I am sure she is just happy still being able to be with your family! She sure looks like a sweetie!
